Essential Linux Commands for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the CLI

<p>Linux, the powerful open-source operating system, is favored by developers and system administrators worldwide. One of its strengths lies in the command-line interface (CLI), which grants precise control over the system. If you&rsquo;re new to Linux, here are 40 essential commands to kickstart your journey:</p> <h1>1.&nbsp;<code>ls</code>&nbsp;- List Files and Directories</h1> <p>Purpose: To list files and directories in the current directory.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*ppiluQbpzCgVmNhafeiLcg.png" style="height:89px; width:653px" /></p> <h1>2.&nbsp;<code>cd</code>&nbsp;- Change Directory</h1> <p>Purpose: To change the current working directory.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*d_qSQ_gTGZv0nTdRCgCMSQ.png" style="height:91px; width:653px" /></p> <h1>3.&nbsp;<code>pwd</code>&nbsp;- Print Working Directory</h1> <p>Purpose: To display the current directory path.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mastering CLI