Jetpack Compose: Mastering States

<p>State in Jetpack Compose is something we deal with about 90% of the time in our projects. So, mastering all the tricks about it will certainly help you create better apps.</p> <p>All of us know that a MutableState is an interface that holds a value which can be changed, simple as that. This object is easily understood by Compose, and it triggers recomposition once the value changes. Behind the scenes, when a new value comes up, it checks if the new value has changed structurally. In other words, it checks if the properties of the old object are different from the properties of the new object.</p> <p>This seems to be sufficient for our use in a significant part of the time. But what if I told you that we have the ability to control this by changing the equality policy of this?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>