What am I doing with my life??

<p>It is May 26th, and with one month left in my MASA program, I find myself in a place that is best described as uncertain. The last nine months in Israel have provided me with endless situations that have caused me to question myself and the world around me, caused me to grow and change and think. And now, as I have started collecting my documents to make Aliyah and collecting random furniture from the street to place in the apartment I hope to find soon, I am struck with the reality of the crazy decision I am making. What am I doing??</p> <p>I grew up in Los Angeles and lived there for 18 years of my life. I know what it&rsquo;s like to live among lots of different people and to be stuck in 30 minutes of traffic to travel only 3.2 kilometers (2 miles for my friends in the US). And I also know what it&rsquo;s like to desperately want to move away from the place I grew up. I moved to Vermont for college, I studied abroad in Chile, and then came across the world to Israel for 10 months for a program that I barely researched in order to be somewhere new (among other reasons).</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@3brokegirls/what-am-i-doing-with-my-life-1aaf2682ae83"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: MASA Program