Weed Wars: Maryland’s Monopoly & The Fight For Free Markets — Documentary Premiere

<p><strong>Baltimore, MD</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; After years of dedicated effort and unwavering commitment to the cause of cannabis legalization and economic freedom, part one of the long-awaited documentary&nbsp;<em>Weed Wars: Maryland&rsquo;s Monopoly and the Fight for Free Markets</em>&nbsp;is finally complete. Directed by Nicholas Patrick and brought to life through the lens of Jordan Lynam of Lynam Up Media, this powerful film dives deep into the heart of Maryland&rsquo;s controversial cannabis industry.</p> <p><em>Weed Wars part one</em>&nbsp;sheds light on the intense struggle between small hemp businesses and the state&rsquo;s monopolistic practices, offering a unique perspective on the broader implications for social justice, economic liberty, and the ongoing battle for a fair and open cannabis market. Through a compelling blend of personal narratives, expert interviews, and firsthand accounts, the documentary presents an unprecedented look into the challenges and injustices faced by those at the forefront of Maryland&rsquo;s cannabis reform.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/cannabis-explorations/weed-wars-marylands-monopoly-the-fight-for-free-markets-documentary-premiere-c11afaac2ade"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>