A Review of Jennifer Close’s “Marrying the Ketchups”

<p>I must admit that I was attracted to this book by its title. What is &ldquo;marrying the ketchups&rdquo;? And does it lend itself towards possible sequels? (<em>Marrying the Mustards</em>,&nbsp;<em>Marrying the Relishes</em>?) It turns out, according to this novel, that the term &ldquo;marrying the ketchups&rdquo; refers to the process of turning an open half-empty ketchup bottle over on top of another open, partially empty ketchup bottle to create a brand new, full bottle of ketchup that restaurants can then place on its tables to show people that they always use fresh product. This is apt because this book is set in the restaurant industry in Chicago &mdash; and, yes, there are portions of this novel that will make your mouth water &mdash; particularly in the period after the Cubs won the World Series in 2016 and just after Trump won the U.S. Presidency.</p> <p><a href="https://zachary-houle.medium.com/a-review-of-jennifer-closes-marrying-the-ketchups-c0826154470e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>