Markets: everything old is new again

<p>I&rsquo;ll be the first to admit&nbsp;<strong>I have a rather unusual, mixed background.</strong>&nbsp;A country boy by birth and rearing, and I started learning about the markets due to observing the exceedingly difficult business of running a farm. And by that I mean&nbsp;<strong>the pricing of commodities such as the crops grown.</strong>&nbsp;Later, in the late 1970s I moved to a city,&nbsp;<strong>taking an undergrad in math and computer science.</strong>&nbsp;I demonstrated a very strong aptitude for programming, and by the mid 1980s found myself&nbsp;<strong>programming in the domain of Artificial Intelligence at AT&amp;T Bell Labs.</strong>&nbsp;This gives me an informed perspective about all the hype we&rsquo;ve been seeing about AI</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Markets