The Exact Market Research Process We Used To Get 300+ Leads In 64 Days

<p>If you&rsquo;re like me, you probably hate the research phase of the lead generation process.</p> <p>But you know it&rsquo;s necessary.</p> <p>This work is the 20% that amounts to 80% of the results. And we will&nbsp;<strong>constantly&nbsp;</strong>refer back to it even months after we&rsquo;ve launched.</p> <p>Safe to say, this work is imperative.</p> <p>My company,&nbsp;<em>Roper Growth Media&nbsp;</em>has drilled down a very specific process that we conduct time and time again. The process is the same, but the content changes. That way, we can garner great data &mdash; regardless of who we are working with.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>