WhatsApp is coming with a major change. The announcement made by Mark Zuckerberg himself.

<h1>WhatsApp announced through Mark Zuckerberg a major change. It is about the introduction of a long-awaited feature by a large part of users.</h1> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/0*wX28ul5ssB9g5XPZ" style="height:875px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Photo by AARN GIRI on Unsplash</p> <p>WhatsApp, the most popular communication app, takes another step towards modernization and adds the feature of recording video messages, a feature that other similar apps have been offering for a long time.</p> <h1>Video messages on WhatsApp</h1> <p>WhatsApp users will be able to send short video messages as an alternative to audio or text messages. WhatsApp will allow users to send recorded video messages, up to 60 seconds long, writes the product&rsquo;s official blog.</p> <h1>How it works.</h1> <p>Sending video messages will be done in a similar way to sending audio messages. Pressing the send message button toggles between audio and video mode. Audio or video recording is done in the same way by holding down the button.</p> <p><a href="https://jeanenescualex76.medium.com/whatsapp-is-coming-with-a-major-change-the-announcement-made-by-mark-zuckerberg-himself-ab4321c7fe88"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>