Living on a Boat in Marina del Rey

<p><strong><em>Rob, why did you decide to live on a boat when you moved to the Los Angeles area for graduate school?</em></strong></p> <p>Robert: I&rsquo;d grown up sailing small boats, and always thought it would be fun to live on a boat. So it was a fun adventure to try.</p> <p>But the financial aspect is important. I knew I had at least five years in LA. When I looked at the cost differential between (1) renting an apartment and (2) buying a boat and renting the boat slip, I figured that over five years I would save enough money to at least break even. And I&rsquo;d also have a boat, which at the end of five years I could give away or sell.&nbsp;The worst-case scenario was that it would end up costing me about the same as it would to rent an apartment. And at this point, the boat has turned out to cost me a lot, lot less.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Boat Marina