Why is running a Marathon like Transition?

<p>Life is a bit easier now, as in I am happier now I am more in the right skin (same, slightly improved product but different packaging). There&rsquo;s still stuff that makes life that little bit trickier, but it&rsquo;s more manageable if I am happier. This is why many people who wrangle their way to the knowledge that they are Transgender actually take the step further and transition, either socially or medically or both.</p> <p>I didn&rsquo;t know I was unhappy prior to transition, but life didn&rsquo;t really feel like I was living. I just had a big feeling of not fitting in, but not knowing WHY I didn&rsquo;t fit in. If I look at photos now from that time, I&rsquo;m a bit dead behind the eyes, no smile in most of them.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@trans-fit/why-is-running-a-marathon-like-transition-7073dfbda1fd"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>