Samuel Adams Brewery — And The Boston Marathon Bombing
<p><em>The last time I visited the Samuel Adams Brewery was the morning before the marathon bombing that took the lives of three people, mangled 100s, and took off limbs of 17. A tragic event unfolding less than three miles away from where we stood.</em></p>
<p><img alt="" src="*M0AEMhRMLVfUC4gKNfGm4A.jpeg" style="height:573px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Leonard P. Zakin Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge — Boston, MA, By Tyler Foran</p>
<p>A friend of mine from California was in town visiting me in New Hampshire. For the last couple of days of her visit, we went down to Boston to see a Red Sox game and hit up a few local places, including Regina Pizzeria, the best pizza in Boston, and, of course, Samuel Adams Brewery.</p>
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