Hidden Treasures Map of Edinburgh

<p>The original plan was to fly from London to Lion, France to visit a friend and family. This idea was compromised and I flew to Glasgow, Scotland instead. I travelled to Edinburgh by train after a few weeks in Glasgow.&nbsp;<a href="https://girlgonenomad.medium.com/hidden-treasures-in-scotland-7e9e02c647eb" rel="noopener">This whole trip was a rollercoaster of emotions</a>&nbsp;&mdash; from feeling safe and at home, to feeling like a total outsider and misunderstood.</p> <p>Upon arrival in Edinburgh, the first impression was that this city had stopped in time. It was beautiful! It reminded me of the Medieval Summer Festivals &nbsp;across Portugal, Spain &amp; France villages. Edinburgh thrives in its own little bubble of time, where a new modern spiral building emerges in the landscape of granite walls and rocky roads.</p> <p>However, I was warned that Edinburgh was grayer than the British stereotype of &ldquo;gray and cloudy countries&rdquo;. Edinburgh was tiny, yet it was good to explore the Eastern side of the country. This was the second place (after Dublin) I did not feel particularly welcomed. I sensed that the&nbsp;<em>British</em>&nbsp;<em>pride&nbsp;</em>was much stronger here, I was often seen as a student (no perks or discounts applied, however), and the notion of remote work was misunderstood.</p> <p><a href="https://girlgonenomad.medium.com/hidden-treasures-map-of-edinburgh-3af295088bfc"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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