Mansion? She’ll Be Lucky to Be in Heaven’s Section 8

<p>This is a true story of a woman who, with great fanfare, gave away that which cost her nothing. My Aunt Fundie tried to win people to her version of conservative Christianity everywhere we went. Over the years, I watched her lead many restaurant servers, bussers, store clerks, and folks trapped near her in line in the sinner&rsquo;s prayer. She especially loved to &ldquo;win&rdquo; gay men, who treated her with the same reverence as they did Tammy Faye Bakker, whom she resembled, at least in the height of her wig and volume of makeup.</p> <p>On our ventures out, I pushed Aunt Fundie in her wheelchair. She had a queenlike presence, and people fawned over her. She could walk but was too good to engage in such a plebian endeavor. She preferred the attention she got as she glided into a room in her pink and diamond studded rolling throne.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mansion Lucky