168th Bird Walk at Manjeera Dam

<p>Manjeera Wildlife Sanctuary is a riverine wetland 50 km northwest of Hyderabad in Medak district. It is a place with a good number of resident and migratory birds, in addition to being home for the Marsh Crocodile&nbsp;<em>Crocodylus palustris.&nbsp;</em>It is recognized internationally as an Important Bird Area (IBA), due to its rich bird diversity and its high preference by migratory birds.</p> <p>We were 15 participants for the bird walk. The meeting point was Alwyn Cross roads at 5:30 AM. Everyone gathered and we started for the sanctuary. After passing Sangareddy we took a left towards the dam. From here the birding started. There are fields lining the road and every time we visited we got plenty of weavers and munias. That day was no different, there were many Tricoloured munias and Scaly breasted Munias feeding on paddy crop. With some 50 Baya Weavers there were Streaked Weavers and one Bengal Weaver. The light was perfect for good photographs. There were also many Red Avadavat in separate flocks.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/hbp-birdwalks/168th-bird-walk-at-manjeera-dam-6c1883d30900"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bird Walk