Let’s blow up some Manhunters!

<p>After weeks of build-up, three different solo heroes and a secret team of government operatives have all found their way into the Louisiana swamps for the same purpose: to find and destroy the Manhunter stronghold on Earth. The four titles all interlink, but it&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Suicide Squad</em>&nbsp;that tells the over-arching narrative with hints of the happenings in the other titles, so we start there.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*xKBuM_wF-vzJftsX3jXaAA.jpeg" style="height:1078px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Art by Jerry Bingham. Owned by DC Comics and used for review purposes.</p> <p>The first thing that&rsquo;s odd about the book is that the guest cover from Jerry Bingham leaves off two of the key players inside the issue: the Privateer and Karin Grace. They join our four cover stars along with Slipknot as they all drive a craft wired with an explosive that will likely kill all of them, although only Flag knows this.</p> <p>Before they can reach the stronghold, they are confronted by Captain Atom on his own mission from Eiling&rsquo;s rival task force. He has no plans to start a confrontation but does realize that Flag is on a suicide mission. He promises to help if he can, but he&rsquo;s confronted by the Manhunters&rsquo; main line of defense: Firestorm. He flies off to face him in a battle in his own title.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/dc-a-new-dawn/lets-blow-up-some-manhunters-d559d7bd6aef"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Manhunters