5 ways to protect the mangrove ecosystem in simple ways

<p>Mangrove is a type of ecosystem that can be found along with the interface between land and sea and can exist under a wide range of harsh conditions. These ecosystems provide various ecosystem and economic services. It serves as a habitat for coastal fauna, natural water breaks against tsunamis and waves, helps prevents coastal erosion, and serves as a trap for sediments from the upland. It also provides livelihood to local communities as a source of firewood and construction materials. Mangroves serve as a spawning area for different kinds of fish. Fishponds are usually built in these areas because of the favorable conditions it provides to the fishes. These also serve as a carbon sink that helps store carbon hence helping prevent the warming of the earth.</p> <p><a href="https://rowenacarobenavides.medium.com/5-ways-to-protect-the-mangrove-ecosystem-in-simple-ways-3587641f2841"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>