What is Manchester United under Solskjær? What really is philosophy in football and does Solskjær have one?

<p>Ole Gunnar Solskj&aelig;r has been in charge of Manchester United as permanent manager for 2 years and a couple of months. Yet, there are so many fans and journalists, alike, that still argue with each other on his &ldquo;style of play&rdquo; or &ldquo;philosophy&rdquo;? In this article, we will look into that and we will also explore how important are these terms ? Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Does their absence or presence guarantee trophies or a successful managerial career?</p> <p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong>&nbsp;This article will be dense and will contain a lot of historical facts, about managers and teams that came and past, to explain the terms and the for and against arguments of these terms. If you manage to get to the end of this article, I thank you for your patience and effort.</p> <p>Since Ole Gunnar Solskj&aelig;r took the managerial job, the question that loomed large to this day is how does Solskj&aelig;r want Manchester United to play. To answer this simple question, you have to know who Solskj&aelig;r is, who influenced him, what philosophies has he adopted in the way he goes about managing and from where!</p> <p><a href="https://abdelbeheri.medium.com/what-is-manchester-united-under-solskj%C3%A6r-631bf62e2a84"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>