Make Ubuntu look like MacOS

<p>Keeping aside the fact that developers prefer a MacBook over a windows system, All of us like to use a MacBook, mainly because of the User Interface it provides. The most significant advantage of using Ubuntu OS is that we can customize it according to our needs.</p> <p>In this article, we will take a look at a way to make our Ubuntu OS look like a MacOS Big Sur.</p> <p>Follow the below steps and at the end, you will have your system look like a MacBook (OS)</p> <h1>Install GNOME TWEAKS</h1> <pre> sudo apt install gnome-tweaks</pre> <p><img alt="" src="*NF0GPNtEIfCuDNmeOqCeBg.jpeg" style="height:103px; width:474px" /></p> <p>GNOME TWEAK icon</p> <h1>Install WhiteSur GTK theme</h1> <p>First of all, we would have to install the WhiteSur GTK theme. It provides the exact macOS Big Sur like application window, window buttons, top panel, and dock. To install the themes, first, we need to run some commands. Run the following commands in the terminal.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ubuntu macOS