How to Work 1 Hour Per Day and Still Make Money

<p>You want to work less, right?</p> <p>With the right systems and methods in place, you can get down to working one hour per day and still make money. I work two hours per day. And I&rsquo;ll tell you about my system in a moment.</p> <p>First things first, though.</p> <h1>Ask Yourself a Question</h1> <p>If money was not important, what would you love to do?</p> <p>Make a list. What would you do today if you didn&rsquo;t need to make money? What would you love to do again tomorrow?</p> <p>Don&rsquo;t judge yourself.</p> <p>Just write down anything that comes to mind. And in case nothing comes to mind, then think of what you know. And what other people ask you about.</p> <p>Once you have your list, it&rsquo;s time for a second question.</p> <h1>Can You Make Money with That?</h1> <p>Surprisingly often, the answer is &ldquo;yes.&rdquo;</p> <p>Years ago, I was passionate about using a computer. It was still new to own a computer. And all the things you could do were amazing.</p> <p>I made money with this passion.</p> <p>Then I found World of Warcraft. I wasn&rsquo;t a gamer before that time. Only played a little Scrabble&hellip;</p> <p>I made money with that passion, too.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Make Money