Leadership: “Make It So”

<p>The basis behind the book is an episode-by-episode synopsis of the leadership abilities that were shown by Captain Picard as he assembled away teams for missions.</p> <p>Some of those lessons taught:</p> <ul> <li>Focus on a single &ldquo;mission&rdquo;</li> <li>Effective communication</li> <li>Teamwork</li> <li>Honor</li> </ul> <p>The adventures of Captain Picard and the&nbsp;<em>Starship Enterprise</em>&nbsp;are thrilling, but the lessons and benefits they offer are applicable to everyday situations. The aim is to create a high-performance organization like the crew of the&nbsp;<em>U.S.S. Enterprise</em>.</p> <p>Managers can learn the tools for success today and future leadership.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tony.rosen/leadership-make-it-so-49d71d8470b3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Leadership So