Things Are About to Majorly Shift in the Collective

<p>I don&rsquo;t usually offer psychic predictions in my writing, and that&rsquo;s for a good reason &mdash; I think that learning to develop yourself spiritually is more important than attempting to know the future. But&nbsp;<em>this</em>&nbsp;time, it&rsquo;s too important. It&rsquo;s too big. I have to share the fact that we are all about to experience&nbsp;<strong>major shifts</strong>&nbsp;on all levels of our lives as humans. I can&rsquo;t keep this one to myself, folks.</p> <p>As many of us already know, we are in the age of Aquarius. This means that we&rsquo;ve all incarnated in a time when humanity experiences great growth, understanding, and advancements in science, and as a collective, we are being forced to find community and empathy. Unfortunately, from where we now stand, that process seems to involve a lot of initial anger and the re-hashing of old wounds. It also involves violent changes to our environment and climate that we can&rsquo;t seem to escape.</p> <p>Ancestral trauma and the effects of some groups having power over others must be reckoned with, and this is really painful to deal with. But it relates to pretty much all of the problems we are facing now as a collective.</p> <blockquote> <p>It appears to the untrained observer as if humanity is literally burning itself alive.</p> </blockquote> <p>But to those of us with a higher vibration, we know it&rsquo;s happening for a reason. We understand. This is the part of our story when we must heal. Healing for the planet and for society &mdash; just like for the human body &mdash; is often excruciating. Parts must be put back together. Old wounds must be found and nurtured back to health.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>