Major/Minor Languages

<p>Closed in during the pandemic, my partner and I play those trivial games that couples planning a family sometimes indulge in. Debating hypothetical scenarios about bringing up our (as yet) imaginary children. Today&rsquo;s debate is about which languages we would bring them up speaking.</p> <p>Between us, we share five and a half languages: English, French, Kreol Morisien (Mauritian Creole), Hindi, Bhojpuri, and half of Urdu. I count Urdu as half because, while I am fairly conversant with the more Persianized and Arabicized vocabulary of Urdu &mdash; and recognize the syncretic association of Hindi and Urdu in nineteenth and twentieth-century Indian literary and cultural traditions, before the constructions of the Hindu-Hindi and Muslim-Urdu divides &mdash; I am also more than conscious of the barrier represented by my lack of ability to read and write Urdu in its current standardized Nastaliq script.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: major Minor