Python Saved Me Over $2500 (and a Major Headache)

<p>Around a year and a half ago I moved to Nashville, Tennessee for work from a small town in South Eastern Pennsylvania. I had spent many years in that area between growing up in one part of town and working full time in an engineering role in another area just a hop, skip, and jump away. I loved my dentist (and neighbor) at the time and had a hard time replacing the relationship and rapport we had built. Like many other Americans, I have a small fear of the dentist, and thinking about dental picks and drills is enough to raise my pulse a few bpm. After moving to Nashville and going through the rigamarole of signing new leases, changing addresses, finding new banks and primary care providers, and the gamut of new resources an adult needs, I fell slightly behind the recommended six months between dental cleanings. Eventually, I perused my dental insurance&rsquo;s website to find a new provider within 20 minutes of my zip code and was overwhelmed by the results.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: major Headache