5 Steps To Maintain Power When Interrupted At Work

<p>Hate getting interrupted?</p> <p>Or seeing your colleagues get interrupted?</p> <p>While interruptions can be benign, they can also claim power and influence who&rsquo;s heard and who&rsquo;s not.</p> <p>In the Stanford MBA program, I&rsquo;ve studied and role-played different ways to deal with interrupters.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s what you should know:</p> <h1>1. Check Your Status Relative to That of the Interrupter</h1> <p>If a peer interrupts you, it can lower your perceived status in the group, wrote&nbsp;<a href="https://hbr.org/2021/06/how-to-manage-interruptions-in-meetings" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Harrison Monarth</a>&nbsp;in the Harvard Business Review.</p> <p>That requires a well-crafted response.</p> <p>But if your manager interrupts you, then let it be. It won&rsquo;t count against you. Besides, your manager might be interrupting to help.</p> <h1>2. Use One of These Responses</h1> <p>Imagine you&rsquo;re talking and Jack jumps in while you&rsquo;re mid-sentence.</p> <p>What do you do?</p> <p><strong>Wait, then loop back.&nbsp;</strong>Wait until he finishes talking. Then, claim the word and say:&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;I want to circle back to what I was saying,&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;as you return to your point.</p> <p><strong>Raise a finger to signal stop or wait</strong>.<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Deborah Gruenfeld recommends this in her book Acting With Power. &ldquo;<em>Just moving the arms away from the body seems to indicate a willingness to fight back, and that finger seems to work like a weapon,&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;she writes.</p> <p><strong>Interrupt back.&nbsp;</strong>Try saying:&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;I can see you&rsquo;re excited! Let me finish this thought</em>.<em>&ldquo;&nbsp;</em>Or more curtly:<em>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m almost done.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><strong>Hold the floor</strong>. Just keep talking. See how Hillary Clinton does that&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC0AKNQBV80&amp;t=40s" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>, after she had permitted an interruption moments earlier.</p> <p><a href="https://betterhumans.pub/5-steps-to-maintain-power-when-interrupted-at-work-cbfbb6f80427"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Maintain Power