Async/Await and MainActor Strategies

<p>Pretty much every article that discusses Swift async/await will throw in a comment regarding&nbsp;<code>@MainActor</code>&nbsp;and how it can be used to ensure that any updates to the user interface will occur on the main thread.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s all well and good&hellip; but just where should the&nbsp;<code>@MainActor</code>&nbsp;attribute go? On the class? Only on the asynchronous function itself? Inside a nested Task block? On separate functions dedicated soley to updating the thread? Perhaps use something like&nbsp;<code>await</code>&nbsp;instead? Or should we just punt, use&nbsp;<code>DispatchQueue.main.async</code>, and forget the whole thing?</p> <p>Lots of people have opinions on the matter, and this article is no different in that regard.</p> <p>What is different, however, is that in&nbsp;<em>this</em>&nbsp;article we&rsquo;re going to look at some of the actual SIL (Swift Intermediate Language) code generated by those mechanisms to examine the relative efficiency and code size of each.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>