Istanbul the Magnificent

<p>Before getting started I need to say a big hello to the 4th-grade gang at Ekebyhovskolan (Ekebyhov School) just outside of Stockholm. Even though it was a while ago I hear you&rsquo;re still asking about me, my travels and worrying about the bombings in Egypt and the like. Well don&rsquo;t worry &mdash; I am definitely ok &mdash; and if some of you are reading this you can spread the word that I&rsquo;m probably coming back to Sweden over the summer &mdash; see you then!</p> <p>And to those Istanbul old hands who are after the last entry are thinking &lsquo;He&rsquo;s lost it &mdash; gone and forgotten the most important attraction of the lot&hellip;&rsquo;, because I haven&rsquo;t made one mention of Topkapi Palace, well, today is the day. Palaces, castles and cruising the Bosphorus are on the menu and I think most will find them tasty morsels. Here goes something anyway!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>