Machine Learning Tricks, Learning with ChatGPT, and Other Recent Must-Reads

<p>As August comes to a close, many of our readers are heading back to school (be it at university, a boot camp, or online), while others are shaking off the last vestiges of slower summer schedules. What better time to prepare for the next chapter of your data science learning journey?</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re just tuning in again to data- and ML-related topics, you&rsquo;re in for a treat: many of our authors certainly did&nbsp;<em>not&nbsp;</em>slow down in the past month, and in fact were hard at work on some of their strongest articles to date. To kick off a new month (and bid a proper farewell to the previous one), we&rsquo;ve collected our most popular articles from August for you to browse, bookmark, and &mdash; we hope&mdash;sink your teeth into. Enjoy!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>