Machine Learning Interview Questions 2023

<p>As per my recent Interview experience I have created a list of questions on various Machine Learning Sections. This list will comprise of just questions, I am planning to write a separate blog post for all the answers.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*BGWGCso-clnNF8jPHSUnkQ.jpeg" style="height:461px; width:700px" /></p> <h1>Machine Learning Interview Questions</h1> <ol> <li>What is Regression?</li> <li>What are the Types of regression?</li> <li>Explain the assumptions of Linear regression.</li> <li>How to evaluate regression models?</li> <li>Explain different types of model Testing methods.</li> <li>Explain Benefits of cross validation?</li> <li>What is overfitting?</li> <li>What are different ways to fix overfitting?</li> <li>How to handle imbalanced data in a dataset?</li> <li>What to do if your data is skewed?</li> <li>What if your data has outliers, how to identify and different ways to fix?</li> <li>What is difference between lasso and ridge regression?</li> <li>What is cross entropy?</li> <li>Difference between precision and recall?</li> <li>What is a confusion matrix?</li> <li>What is AUC?</li> <li>What is bias variance trade-off?</li> <li>What is correlation? How is it related to covariance?</li> <li>What are activation function? Explain different Types? Where and why it is used? Sigmoid vs tan h vs relu?</li> <li>What is classification?</li> <li>How to evaluate classification models?</li> <li>What are ensemble models?</li> <li>What is clustering?</li> <li>What are types of clustering?</li> <li>How to decide the K in k means clustering? Can we automate it? If yes how?</li> <li>What is hypothesis testing?</li> <li>What is A/B testing?</li> <li>How does time series work? Explain how to approach a time series problem step by step.</li> <li>How do you treat seasonality in time series?</li> <li>What to do if your time series data is not stationary?</li> <li>Difference between ARIMA and SARIMA?</li> <li>What is auto correlation?</li> <li>Can we use deep learning for time series forecasting? If yes what models to use? How do they work?</li> <li>What is null hypothesis?</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>