Hong Kong — Macau Travel

<p>Last July, me and my family decide to go to Hong Kong. Actually we plan to go to China, but we need visa to go to mainland China as Indonesian&hellip; So, Hong Kong and Macau should be a good option then cuz we no need visa to go there :)</p> <p>Also, if you&rsquo;re Indonesian, especially muslim. It&rsquo;s very recommended to read this article! I&rsquo;m included the halal meal</p> <p>Less than 2 months, I decide to make a rundown. In total, we spent about IDR 44,968,420 (about 2934,60 USD) for 3 person. So,&nbsp;<strong>each person costs 978 USD.&nbsp;</strong>To be noted, we have flight from Jakarta.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@febriano0703/hong-kong-macau-travel-guide-cedb16023ae4"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Macau Travel