The Turn: How luxury companies influence design through Trendsetting

<p>A phenomenon we can easily see today, courtesy of social media and digitization, is how much influence luxury brands have on the design of pretty much every article of clothing found on racks across clothing stores. And though it is much more easily observable today, this relationship of influence has existed since time immemorial &mdash; couture brands create trends, and everyone follows suit. But what exactly is behind this consistent occurrence? And why do some trends last longer than others?</p> <p>As always, let&rsquo;s start with the basics &mdash; what is a trend? Unsurprisingly, there are many different ways of describing a trend. My opinion is that it is a means to satisfy or meet a need of some kind. For example, a new generation wants to do different things because their beliefs or outlooks have changed, causing them to dress a certain way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>