Lululemon’s Inclusivity Crisis – Billionaire Founder’s Vision for ‘Certain Customers’

<p>Lululemon founder Chip Wilson&rsquo;s recent remarks reveal a discomforting truth about some leaders in the corporate world. Wilson, whose wealth surged by $4 billion (due to his 8% stake in Lululemon), blatantly expressed a preference for exclusivity over inclusivity. This attitude unveils an underlying, often unspoken bias: a resistance to disrupting the traditional status quo. A view among some leaders who view inclusivity as a threat to the established patriarchal order.</p> <p>The phrase &ldquo;<strong>certain customers</strong>&rdquo; used by Wilson raises a critical question: Who exactly does he mean? This statement, while attempting to mask itself as brand differentiation, tiptoes dangerously close to outright discrimination. It&rsquo;s a distinction that many leaders in similar positions fail to recognise or, worse, choose to ignore. This isn&rsquo;t about preserving a brand&rsquo;s uniqueness; it&rsquo;s about perpetuating a narrow, outdated view of what is considered &lsquo;normal&rsquo; &ndash; typically white, thin, able-bodied.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>