The Inspiration Of Play Me, I’m Yours Street Pianos. With Founder, Luke Jerram

<p>The idea for Play Me, I&rsquo;m Yours came from visiting my local launderette. I saw the same people there each weekend and yet no one talked to one another. I suddenly realized that within a city, there must be hundreds of these invisible communities, regularly spending time with one another in silence. Placing a piano into the space was my solution to this problem, acting as a catalyst for conversation and changing the dynamics of a space.</p> <p>100 years ago, in the UK, the piano was a major form of entertainment in someone&rsquo;s home. The piano was superseded by the wireless, then television came along and finally the internet. As a consequence, old upright pianos are often unwanted now and thousands are being thrown away each year in the UK. But they are pieces of furniture people can gather around and play at once &mdash; spurring a group performance or sing along.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Luke Jerram