6 Things You Need to Know About LSD Trips Before Taking It

<p>There are two key components to a psychedelic trip that you will hear anyone who&rsquo;s ever taken psychedelics talk about:&nbsp;<strong>set and setting.&nbsp;</strong>Set is your mindset going into the trip, whereas setting is the environment in which you&rsquo;re taking the trip &mdash; including the people that you&rsquo;re with.</p> <p>Being in a safe, familiar place is&nbsp;<a href="https://www.globaldrugsurvey.com/gds-2018/thinking-of-using-lsd-for-the-first-time-heres-our-checklist-to-help-you-stay-safe/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">so important</a>. Familiarity with your environment can provide reassurance when other things appear&hellip;very strange. Since LSD alters your sense of time, space, and coordination &mdash; your environment is even more crucial for a safe trip.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-trip/6-things-to-know-about-lsd-before-taking-it-df8df9f8aa41"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: LSD Trips