Jung on LSD and Mescaline

<p>Carl Jung, father of analytic philosophy and student of Sigmund Freud and his work in psychoanalysis, is to psychology as Plato is to philosophy. What comes after Jung cannot escape his influence, as we see with Stanislav Grof&rsquo;s transpersonal psychotherapy.</p> <p>With so much clout, not to say anything of his competence, his thoughts are given special consideration and are looked to for guidance by many people. With this in mind, I thought it would be fun to consider what Jung has said about psychedelics (LSD and mescaline &mdash; the primary psychedelics of his time).</p> <p>Below, you will find an excerpt from a letter he wrote to Father Victor White in 1954. Per the footnote, White had brought up the use of LSD with patients. Jung replies very humbly, making it clear that he does not know much about LSD or mescaline, as he asks if the two are the same drug. Jung further states that he does not know its value when administered to patients, which would be a direct reply to White. Today, during the Psychedelic Renaissance, and 68 years after the letter, we know much more about psychedelics.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aliensurreal/jung-on-lsd-and-mescaline-2f2b38306ede"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: LSD Mescaline