Love Notes to My Shadow

<p><strong>I felt the scorching touch of the sun&rsquo;s beam sear my forehead.&nbsp;</strong>I turned away into the shadow of the wall to shield my eyes from the light that seemed to intensify by the second.</p> <p>In my semi-conscious state, I felt the solar spotlight shift from my head to my cheek and a devilish giggle ringing in my ear. I squinted and saw my son brandishing his flashlight at me.</p> <p>Like a sorcerer wielding a wand, my son, a master of mirth in the early hours had successfully willed me awake.</p> <p>It was 6am.</p> <p>Although I yearned for a few more minutes of slumber, I rolled out of bed and fumbled to the bathroom to put on my contact lenses.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Notes Shadow