Just me, my camera and a whole lot of hill

<p>Iusually try and avoid solo tramping. I&rsquo;m one of those annoying extroverts that enjoys the socialising, and going in a party means that there are ample subjects to photograph. However, sometimes the stars do not align or opportunities are just too good to miss. Lucy had invited me to join her, Tim and Hugh on a trip to Mangahao Flats Hut on the inaugral King&rsquo;s Birthday weekend. However, the weather was looking grotty from Sunday onward, and I had just been invited to dinner with family on Saturday. So searching the map for an overnight destination I set my eyes on Kapakapanui, a lofty 1,103m peak that stands proudly above Waikanae.</p> <p><a href="https://triompher.medium.com/just-me-my-camera-and-a-whole-lot-of-hill-8fb8999f5710"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: lot Hill