How walkable is Los Santos in GTA5?

<p>Grand Theft Auto 5, would you believe it, is a game very much centred around cars. Every mission in the entire game has you driving in some way. Let&rsquo;s say, while exploring the city, you felt more in the mood for playing Grand Theft Manual &mdash; in that case,<em>&nbsp;how walkable is Los Santos</em>? This is the question I asked myself when I booted up Grand Theft Auto 5 this weekend.</p> <p>The answer is complicated.</p> <p>Los Santos is, at times, so incredibly unfriendly to pedestrians that it starts to become agonising &mdash; the city is almost entirely dedicated to cars, buses are nowhere to be seen, and the metro is so poorly designed that even an idiot without an urban planning degree (like me) can tell something&rsquo;s wrong. However, there are a few moments of real walkability that shine through, and that are worth recognising.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Los Santos