2020 Brought Los Angeles Street Artists Out to Spread Love Not Hate

<p>After three months of not doing much, June 2020 ruled around and I was itching for new things to do outside. Plus, we all needed our vitamin D!</p> <p>I love to hike. My family? Not so much but they agreed to another one of mom&rsquo;s hikes because they were even bored of their phones and TikTok. Plus school at this point was pretty much a joke because no one, including students, seemed to know what to do. Understandable.</p> <p>I found a gorgeous hike in Pacific Palisades which is next door to Santa Monica. It&rsquo;s all LA, just by the beach LA, which is the best part of LA.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:770/1*QumP2jGF04oWZscBlAlyFQ.jpeg" style="height:281px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Pacific Palisades &mdash; Photo Credit: Author</p> <p>It was a warm day and after the 5-mile hike, we were all starving. Although at this time, nothing was open in LA. After Googling, we settled on a delicious, healthy Mexican eatery that was doing takeout orders.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/2020-brought-los-angeles-street-artists-out-to-spread-love-not-hate-6b37cbea58ce"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Los Angeles