<p><strong>In Tamil Nadu Kabaalishwaran temple is Lord Shiva&rsquo;s temple and Kabaali refers to Lord Shiva.&nbsp;</strong>The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and is called &ldquo;Hajre Aswad&rdquo; from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta or Non-white stone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what is in Kaaba could be the same what Hindus worship. The pedestal Maqam-E-Ibrahim at the centre of the Kaaba is octagonal in shape. In Hinduism, the pedestal of Brahma the creator is also octagonal in shape. Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably circumambulate or Pradakshina, around their deities.</p> <p><a href="https://drgautamghosh.medium.com/lord-shiva-in-islam-5141c3be9ca3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lord SHIVAs