The four gates of Lord Jagannath Temple

<p>The outer wall of Lord Jagannath Temple has gates openings for the devotees in the four direction. These four gates are represented by the four animals. In the east there is lion and hence called lion&rsquo;s gate or sinhadwar. In the west there is tiger hence tiger&rsquo;s gate or Vyaghradwar. In the north, there is elephant and hence called as elephant&rsquo;s gate or Hastidwar. In the south, there is horse and hence horse&rsquo;s gate or ashvadwar.</p> <p><strong>Eastern Gate/Lion&rsquo;s Gate/Simha Dwara</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*7GR5QlfzS9T55Yqu.jpg" style="height:320px; width:240px" /></p> <p>The two lions statues are there in this gate in the crouching position. The lion is a symbolic representation of MOKSHYA. Hence is is popularly said that if you enter in the temple through this gate, you will get mokshya. The deities present in simhadwar are Kasi Biswanath, Goudia Nrusimha and Bhagya Hanumaan.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lord Jagannath