Take time to look up, take care to look down

<p>I can&rsquo;t remember the first time when I saw a Malaysian Night Heron, but I know that it was in Taipei. They are called Malaysian Night Herons because they are normally seen out feeding in nearby parks in the evening, but just as &ldquo;morning sickness&rdquo; could last the whole day for some women, Malaysian Night Herons are also not averse to feeding during the day.</p> <p>This is really the bird that started my interest in birds, or what I like to call the &ldquo;gateway&rdquo; bird. They aren&rsquo;t the rarest of birds in Taipei, but I never even knew of this bird&rsquo;s existence before coming to Taiwan. Growing up in Virginia cardinals, blue jays, robins, and even the occasional humming bird were commonplace. They are beautiful birds, and if I saw one of these birds here now, I&rsquo;d probably think of it as exotic and wonder why and how it arrived here.</p> <p><a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/take-time-to-look-up-take-care-to-look-down-538335149966"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Look down