Playing The Long Game: Applying Improv Tools To The Work Of Anti-Racism

<p>There is a kind of magic that happens when improvisers co-create an imagined reality so seamlessly it seems hard to believe it is happening on the spot. Players achieve this by agreeing to a set of practices &mdash; radical acceptance of what others offer, unwavering support of one another, emotional engagement as the gateway to rational story-making, elevating others&rsquo; ideas, to name a few &mdash; that are uniquely effective ways to get on the same page with other people not only in the creative space of an improv scene but in real-life human interactions. And in this cultural moment, as outrage, pain and a call to action in response to George Floyd&rsquo;s murder by police shines a bright light on the racism and injustice baked into our social structures and institutions, these tools are invaluable. &ldquo;In regards to conversations around race, our own biases sometimes makes it challenging to see things from a different perspective,&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Long Game