A Lonely City Walk On a Hot Summer Afternoon

<p>During my 15-minute walk to the skytrain station, I might have put together a Symphony of the City, containing sounds of: busy busses passing by, loud music bleeding through windows of fast cars that couldn&rsquo;t really go that fast in the city, people talking on their phones in different languages &mdash; in fact I&rsquo;m quite convinced I heard way more foreign languages than English. It was not a pleasant symphony. Beethoven wouldn&rsquo;t be so proud. I felt suffocated and overwhelmed. Now even the Sun was getting unbearably noisy, as if it was not sunshine that was radiating from it, but rather insufferable white noise. There is definitely something about the city on a hot summer afternoon; or maybe it&rsquo;s not just for one afternoon. Maybe the city has always been like this. Chaotic is one way to describe it, but there&rsquo;s more to it: something sad, even pathetic.</p> <p><a href="https://ivyonthesuitcase.medium.com/a-lonely-city-walk-fc2bb28aca1e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lonely City