A Lone Wolf on Vacation

<p>As a newly emerged solo traveller (because I recently moved to NYC for studies, leaving behind my permanent and reliable travel buddies back in India), these are some musings about my trips around and outside NYC.</p> <p>I recently took a trip to Boston and Philly as part of my mandatory 2-week vacation time.. I stayed at a hostel because I was on a budget and also travelling solo. Your budget and gender decides what kind of vacation you will have. I had a limited budget, so I chose to spend on hostels and public transport. I chose to explore most of the city on foot. If I had a slightly higher budget, I would have been able to stay in a 3&ndash;4 star hotel and travel around in an Uber. An even bigger budget would mean a luxurious hotel with a spa, and most of the time spent indoors or being driven around by the hotel chauffeur. It&rsquo;s interesting to me how the destination would be the same, but the lived experiences of the vacation would be vastly different depending on what kind of budget is shapes your travels.</p> <p><a href="https://mukta-notesonstuff.medium.com/a-lone-wolf-on-vacation-749658d69b0a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lone Wolf