A Surprising Lesson From A London Street

<p>In spite of years of reinvention after my divorce, my relationships with men remained tainted with the ghosts of Christmas past. After many failed relationships, it occurred to me that the relationship I needed to explore the most, was the one with myself.</p> <p>When an opportunity to go to England for two weeks came along; I jumped at the chance. I had never traveled outside the US before, so it was scary to leave everything familiar to travel across the pond. And even though everything about this trip scared me, I knew it was the right move.</p> <p>I had beaten cancer and started to put my relationship with my daughters back together as a single mom, but now I needed to learn how to embrace being alone. I knew I had to stop defining myself through my relationships with men and start defining myself by my relationship with myself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/readers-digests/a-surprising-lesson-from-a-london-street-af452fac5f12"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: London Street