Might be ADHD, London stories

<p>Ah, the sun is covering the buildings so nicely. On my way to this gallery that I found before coming to London&hellip; so many people, why are there so many people? Families, gymbros, fashionistas, protesters&hellip; right, it&rsquo;s Saturday. On my way, on my way&hellip; ooh! another gallery! Photography, sure, sounds great, let&rsquo;s stop here!.. Oh, my brain is restless in this city, and in the best way possible. I am always stimulated, intrigued and inspired by everything that is going on around me. Everyone is in a rush towards success in whatever areas of their lives, striving to make it better. This is the vibe that I miss in any other part of the world.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@z.russanova/might-be-adhd-london-stories-cd1d2b373779"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: London Stories