Edinburgh (Scotland): A city that combines the image of London and Cambridge

<p>Before coming to the United Kingdom, as an Asian girl, the most common cities that have been heard of were London, Manchester, and Edinburgh. However, unlike the previous two cities, Edinburgh is the city I got highly recommended many times as it will give a different impression of a United Kingdom city from London and Manchester.</p> <p>This recommendation made me put it on the top of the travel list to visit instantly once I have time. When I finally know there is a chance to travel to Edinburgh, I look forward to this trip and find out why this city can earn that acclamation from people there before.</p> <p><a href="https://charlifestyle.medium.com/edinburgh-scotland-a-city-that-combines-the-image-of-london-and-cambridge-3a89fdfe5a9c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>