“Back in the Game: Life, Code, and London Adventures”

<p>These past couple of years? They&rsquo;ve been a wild ride. Work-wise, I&rsquo;ve been knee-deep in the software engineering world, dealing with challenges that have turned me into a pro (or so I like to think). On the personal front, living in London has been like unlocking a whole new level of happiness &mdash; new experiences, and new perspectives.</p> <p>In my downtime, I figured out this journey of mine isn&rsquo;t just mine. It&rsquo;s something we can all chat about. So, here I am, getting back into the writing groove. My hope? That my words click with you, that we can share stories and make sense of this crazy career game together.</p> <p><a href="https://jaiin-maniish.medium.com/back-in-the-game-life-code-and-london-adventures-cd32b375a428"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>