Identifying Au-Ag-Cu Mineralization Zones in Central Raja Lode, Lombok Island, Indonesia
<p>Lombok Island is located in the central part of the tectonically active zone formed as a result of subduction of the Indo-Austrian Plate in the western part of the Banda Sea.</p>
<p>The Lombok geology is characteristic of island-arc territories and is represented by volcanic-sedimentary formations from the Late Oligocene to the Quaternary (Fig. 1). Intrusive rocks consist of diorites, dacites, breccia diatreme and tonalites. Porphyry mineralization is associated with the latter.</p>
<p>Hydrothermal changes are manifested throughout the island and are associated with conjugate systems of tectonic disturbances and fissures of the sub-latitudinal and meridional direction, which also control the zones of epithermal mineralization.</p>
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