Logistics Intelligence: Leveraging Big Data for Smarter Trucking

<h1>The Route to Data-Driven Decisions</h1> <p>The first truth about Big Data in trucking is that it&rsquo;s everywhere. Every electronic logging device (ELD), each GPS tracker, all the sensors monitoring truck health, and every digital transaction related to logistics are constant streams feeding into the ever-growing data lake. But without analysis, data is akin to an unmined diamond &mdash; precious but not yet valuable.</p> <h1>Big Data&rsquo;s Payload</h1> <p>Harnessing Big Data means extracting actionable insights from these vast quantities of information. For trucking companies, this can lead to:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@muftarcorp/logistics-intelligence-leveraging-big-data-for-smarter-trucking-ba330bbd1891"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>